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We design and install all types of gazebos, both in the residential area and in the setups for the large HO.RE.CA.

Classic structures also with hidden gutters, decorations and capitals, and contemporary ones, pagoda or pavilion gazebos, with one or two pitches and flat, with PVC , polycarbonate or insulated sandwich panels cover.

We can coordinate our structures with perimeter closures made with rolling or sliding curtains in transparent Cristal or micro-perforated fabrics, all-glass windows, mosquito nets and sliding shading sheets made of fabrics for the outdoors.

Some samples: Gazebos




Carport per auto autoportante Novecento

Copertura e tendaggi per gazebo circolare

Copertura per gazebo

Gate Shade con arredi su terrazzi

Gazebo artigianale copertura e tende decorative

Gazebo classico con telo scorrevole Unosider

Gazebo con telo scorrevole Giulio Barbieri

Gazebo con telo scorrevole Mood Unosider

Gazebo Flat Small con telo oscurante

Gazebo Flat Small con tendaggi decorativi

Gazebo malatesta con arredi Point 1920

Gazebo Malatesta esagonale

Gazebo Malatesta Unosider

Gazebo Mood Unosider addossato

Gazebo novecento prestige

Gazebo Novecento Unosider

Gazebo ottoemezzo con tende decorative

Gazebo Unosider con brise soleil e tendaggi decorativi

Gazemo Lumi Unosider con arredi Talenti


Multipergola Slim con telo fisso



Portale autoportante Gate Shade con tende a scomparsa